Activity Lesson 5

I chose this meme because it illustrates how ridiculous a lot of the anti-Bitcoin/crypto arguments are.

For example, “How is it money? It’s not backed by anything…” The USD (and other fiat currencies) isn’t backed by anything of value. Yet, people trade their valuable time (often time away from their children, spouse, relatives, friends, and the joys of life) for what is essentially government-sanctioned Monopoly money that depreciates in value.

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Pointing to how holding BTC can protect you from fraud in the banking industry

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OK, its a little lame, but this is my impression of Bitcoin and where its going!!

First slowly, then quickly.

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Bankers fought bitcoin because it is harder sounder money than what they can offer. although it seems as if they have given in and are accepting it now. I believe the banks will soon need bitcoin in order to survive!

Most of us got in it for the money, the strong hands stay for the revolution!

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This image is highly effective because it highlights the difference in the openness of Bitcoins monitory policy Vs that of The Federal Reserve.
Bitcoin is completely transparent, decentralized and open source Vs the Fed which is highly centralized, completely private and lacks overall transparency. It’s also opposed to being audited :rofl:



I strongly believe that the good will always grow greater than the bad.
It is inevitable.

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This is just very funny. Being new to the crypto space going through all the meme’s is maybe more addictive than looking at the charts.

this meme communicates the volatility of bitcoin and the chances it brings with it.


Ive heard too many times that bitcoin is just a fad, and it is dead, or it is dying too many times. BTC is here for the long run and will only get stronger over time.

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Endless QE is a sinking ship for all fiat currencies.

Bitcoin is a big deal as it can bring banking to billions of bankless people around the world.


can’t pay debt with debt forever


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Just like “In with the New Year and out with the old”
We place HOPE in the NEW

This meme illustrates the sentiment that bitcoin is a store of value and is thought of similarly to properly minted coins during times of debasing currency just as greshams law suggests.

btc is real sound money. only 21milj
,not like fiat when the printer go"s brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Find or create a meme that communicates an aspect of bitcoin (i.e… monetary properties, monetary policy, proof of work or neutrality). Post the meme/gif or a link and add a 1-2 sentence description of what aspect it communicates and why you think it’s effective.

The five stages: denial , anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Where are we now?..